
Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I woke up this morning with an inexplicable pain in my right knee. I can barely stand on it and it’s all swollen.

There doesn’t appear to be any bruising, and I don’t recall doing anything funny with it recently.

Maybe it’s related to the weird dream I had last night. Something about a tornado glowing with rainbow colours and being in bed with the Ex.

There’s some bizarre stuff running around in my subconscious.


  1. Maybe it was a foreboding.

    Hope this situation is going to get resolved, one way or the other.

  2. I don't believe in psychic premonitions.

    Actually the Ex has been on my mind lately, since she's coming to visit me tomorrow night.

    But the rainbow coloured tornado... your guess is as good as mine.

    I'm also holding thumbs about the situation though. I remain committed to doing whatever is required to help resolve the situation, provided I don't compromise my impartiality in the process.

  3. Oh so I had the wrong ex in mind.

  4. The Ex (capitol E) is the old one. The new one gets mentioned by name.

  5. Agreed. Dreams are what your brain does when you're asleep... taking images and thoughts that happen to be floating around in there and arranging them into some sort of narrative.

    So I suppose the only person who can determine the meaning of the rainbow tornado is me, and the whirlpool is you.

    I need to look at myself a bit and see what tornadoes mean to me. Since I've never seen one other than in the movies, it's going to be a tough one.

  6. It probably has nothing to do with Tornados.
    For instance - dreams about your teeth falling out mean that you are having self-confidence issues - go figure!!!

  7. Sorry, but those 'Dream Interpretation' books you buy in the "Esoteric" section of the books shop are all bogus.

    Dreams do have meaning, but that meaning is relevant only to you. Sometimes socially induced iconography can be found in dreams, depending on your affinity for those images.

    Dreaming about teeth falling out might be about self esteem issues, but it might also be because you were thinking about going to the dentist that day. Or it could be because you forgot to pick up the dry-cleaning. It's all relative to one's own perceptions and can't be dictated by some hippie who wrote a book.

    So yes, my tornado probably has nothing to do with tornadoes... but I need to figure out what tornadoes mean to me, and why that image was in my mind at the time.
