
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The curse strikes again

Out of the last five companies I worked for, four went under.

The only one that didn’t was the one I was with immediately before I came to the one I’m with now… and even they were showing signs of trouble when I left.

I don’t really believe in curses, but it’s a remarkable coincidence that this keeps happening to me, and it now seems to be happening again.

Today we got an email from the Powers That Be informing us that our division is undergoing some financial difficulties, that we won’t be getting increases or bonuses and that we are all to undergo a performance review (the thinly veiled point of which is to determine who will stay and who will go).

Why does this keep happening to me?

More to the point, what am I supposed to do now?

Truth is I don’t particularly enjoy my job. We have a team of good people who I like to work with, but the actual work isn’t interesting to me. Supply chain management systems might be fun to some people, but not to me.

The only reason I’m in this job is because I believed that working for a multi-national corporate would ensure me a certain degree of job security… even if only for a couple of years… long enough for me to develop a name, establish some contacts as well as get life’s little necessities going, like buying property. Now it seems that security is anything but certain. I have to ask myself why I’ve wasted the last year of my life doing something I don’t even like?

I feel like I should sue them for failure to live up to my expectations.

It’s yet another blow to my sense of security. Only a couple of months ago I was feeling very content… I had a stable job, a comfortable home, a blossoming relationship. Now my job is in jeopardy, my home situation is uncertain and I have no relationship whatsoever.

I have no base, no net, no support structure. I feel like I’m standing atop a house of cards that is being systematically disassembled from the bottom up.


  1. I know exactly how you feel...just a few short months ago, I also lost my job security.

    I know it is really crap when this happens. But fear not: Something always comes up. And sometimes these things happen for a reason. Look at me for example: I completely changed careerpaths and I am a lot happier.

    Things have a way of working out. Just hang in there.

  2. This is probably an opportunity to try and get back into mobility, which is my true calling.

    I'm just really annoyed that I now have to start again.

    My plan for the next year involved buying a house... but it's virtually impossible to get a home loan unless you've been with a company for more than 12 months.

    Even if I don't lose my job, I was banking on the increase I was promised to start saving for a deposit for said house... so I'm screwed either way.

    Plus, with petrol on the rise my budget is stretching thinner and thinner. I've already had to divert entertainment budget into food instead. What else am I going to have to give up?

  3. It might not seem like it right now - but could this be the time to start that little shop you've been talking about?

  4. Yeah, I'm working on that plan... but even my most favourable projections show that I probably won't be able to support myself on the income I would receive from that endeavour... at least, not at first.

    That shop will have to be one of several business I would need to keep running in order to pay my bills. And I'm nowhere near ready to get the others going yet.

    For the time being I'm going to have to find another 9 to 5.

  5. Hey there man. Our little company also taking some strain and the whispers are starting to flare up as well :-)

    Fear not dude, things happen for a reason and I concur with hide. Something will happen! Hide and I are trying to set some plans in motion that might open up some avenues your way. I also have some kickass mobility ideas and potential partners for a future collaboration. Hang in there man. It will all be worth it in a while!

  6. I haven't exactly been sitting on my laurels these last couple of days.

    I have a prospect or two, one of which is very exciting.

    I'll see how it goes.
